Episode 09: Thriving after breast cancer with Kim King


In this episode you will:

  • Gain some insight and wisdom from Kim as she shares about why she wasn't too surprised by her breast cancer diagnosis.

  • How she thought it was genetic but learned that her cancer was not related to genes.

  • How this gave her enlightenment and empowered her to look at her life and choices and begin to implement changes that have launched her in to a wellness role model for her friends and community.  

  • The power meditation has had on her wellness journey 

 Tune in to learn more from Kim and I  know you will walk away with some wonderful tips you can implement to move your health and wellness journey forward to promote further healing within you.

Where to connect with Kim:



Where to connect with Sara and Alison:




Social media links:








This podcast is intended for informational and educational purposes only and are not intended as professional medical advice. By accessing and using this podcast, such use shall constitute your agreement that the podcast is not professional medical advice and shall not be relied upon by you as such.

You should ALWAYS consult with your physician or another medical professional first before implementing any of our advice, information, or suggestions. You should always consult with a physician or medical professional (not us) before implementing any changes to your diet, medication, lifestyle, exercise regimen, supplement regimen, or health practices. Please only implement any and all changes after consulting with your physician and assessing your own health.


Episode 10: Awaken your soul aligned life with Erica Carrico


Episode 08: What to eat; Let’s make this simple