Episode 19: Personal Care Product Refresh
It's a new year and you deserve a fresh new start. Continuing with our REFRESH SERIES, we're discussing a refresh of your personal care products. Your skin is your largest organ and what we put on our bodies has a HUGE impact on your health.
Did you know that on average, you're exposed to over 168 chemicals before leaving your bathroom?!? There are over 80,000 approved chemicals in use today. It's more important now than ever to be an educated consumer.
This refresh doesn't have to be an overnight overhaul, but as you run out of your current products, we want to encourage you to make smarter choices for your overall health. In this episode we provide all the knowledge you'll need to do this successfully including:
Ingredients to avoid.
Resources to keep you educated on this topic.
Products we love and trust.
Free Download - Our Favorite Things
So many chemicals:
Phthalates: https://www.ewg.org/enviroblog/2008/05/cheatsheet-phthalates
Parabens: https://www.ewg.org/californiacosmetics/parabens
Fragrances: https://www.ewg.org/enviroblog/2014/08/expert-panel-confirms-fragrance-ingredient-can-cause-cancer
Skin Care: https://www.EWG.ORG/skindeep
Anitperspirants: https://www.ewg.org/news-and-analysis/2019/12/antiperspirants-and-breast-cancer-there-link
Nail Polish: https://www.ewg.org/enviroblog/2009/07/nail-polish-weve-come-long-way-9-years-baby
Sunscreen: https://www.ewg.org/sunscreen/
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