Episode 33: 3 steps to break the cycle of worry and fear
Show notes:
Fear and worry can be so powerful sometimes especially when it comes to a cancer diagnosis. We worry about the treatment side effects. We are fearful about it working or the cancer coming back. It can be all consuming and if it becomes too much we can develop an anxiety condition that can be hard to come out of. This topic can be related to so many things going on in our world today so we thought it was important to dive into some research and understanding on how to begin to unwind our anxious minds and start to break the cycle of anxiety and fear. We will be basing this information from the teaching of Dr. Judson Brewer and his new book called Unwinding Anxiety. We will discuss his concept of first, second and third gears on how to unwind our anxious thoughts and minds.
In first gear, you learn how to map out your habit loops around anxiety and fear
In second gear you learn how to update your reward system around a behavior
In third gear you learn how to find the better offer to get you out of the habit loop
We hope this episode gives you hope around what kind of habits your thoughts, fears and anxiety has created for you that are unpleasant and how to begin to make positive changes that will last! Please share this with anyone who can benefit.
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